Saturday, November 15, 2008


Someone bitterly told me that the only reason why people have blogs is because they want to egotistically write about themselves. Well, that is true, but that's not the ONLY reason. I know I got one because it made me feel free, and now that I've had one for a year and then some, it feels too close to me to release. It would fall too hard from into the Earth. And people use them to display their art, lackluster, generic or magnifique. Whatever. But what I don't understand is why that person would say that if they knew I had one? Some people just want you to not like them.... hmmph.


tayloralexandra said...

i agree with this- especially that some people just want to make it hard to like them or something =/

ps I love the new colors/title photo!

Anonymous said...

i also love the colors :D

and... yeah. you should do whatever it takes to feel free, i believe.