Sunday, January 4, 2009

United People of the World

Something about Post Secret makes me cringe inside. The fact that people can't say certain things without a curtain covering their identities. I mean some people "come-out" through Post Secret. How they cannot say that to those they love is herendously disturbing and sad. Are we not the nation who just elected our first black president who took no money from lobbyists therefore free from corruption. It makes hardly any sense. Not to mention, after recently seeing the new film "Milk", Harvey Milk's story was historical as well. They both paved the way. It would be an understatement if I said this made me feel uneasy. On the flip side, I'm only human, I wanna know everything about everyone. The vulnerability and freedom people reflect through Postsecret reassures me that we're united as people of the world. Knowing that so many people suffer from the same things you do is in fact reassuring. And understanfing that other people have grown from the same place as you have is refreshing. I like it.

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