Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Power shot"

Upon receiving an Annie Leibowitz book delighted with details of her inspirations, expectations and, of course, most beloved works, I have grown to realize what I want to spend at least half my life doing. And that is to discover, illuminate, and encapsulate the world around me through a lens. I believe at one point at the end of this escavade, I will grow tired of living through a tunnel and want to see things through my own eyes, not a machines', but for now, I plan on living through a lens. I feel like I've seen too much without a camera. Too much without documentation. It really is a bad habbit, you know, not strapping on a camera onto my back, hip or simply clutching it with a hand. Anything can possibly occur, or I could see something worth a snap. So why not carry around such an investment? But don't all do this. I am casually despensing this tid-bit of information just to tell you my plans. Plans, I am sure no one really cares about, but that is to me the best part; having a say in something that only matters to me. I am powerful.

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